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Lean production! 2024 Sailing Yuanhang Genlead sets sail!



Jiangsu Yuanhang Genlead New Energy & Technology Co.,Ltd always adheres to the quality policy of "quality first, full participation, continuous improvement, and customer satisfaction"; Establish the core quality concept of "quality is life, life is only once"; Create a quality team that is diligent in learning, daring to innovate, and good at self-improvement.


On January 4, 2024, a lean production special event was held, during which important explanations were given on the background and purpose of the lean production special event. Li Yueguang (Production Director) and Nie Guanglei (System Team Leader) gave important speeches and mobilized all employees to participate in the event.

Creating a pleasant working atmosphere is the foundation of team building, mutual trust is the cornerstone of the team, and enthusiasm is the source of strength for the team to move forward.

Firstly, strengthen team building and refine departmental business. Under the leadership of Li Shengwen, the business of the Quality Management Department has been refined and modular management has been adopted. Under the guidance of Li Shengwen, a morning meeting and shift handover system was established, which improved the abilities of grassroots management personnel, enhanced the overall spirit of the team, and made information communication smoother, improving the efficiency of uploading and issuing. At the same time, he also improved the abilities of middle-level managers through specific business guidance, such as leadership, communication skills, quality management, and other specialized business skills training.

Secondly, mutual respect and communication should be emphasized to create a harmonious team. Effective communication can help teams understand each other and accelerate problem-solving. Always adhere to strengthening the ideological education of department employees, stabilizing their emotions, emphasizing communication between superiors and subordinates, regularly holding various special meetings to discuss work problems, and formulating relevant solutions.

Thirdly, we should attach importance to ideological construction and build a team that abides by discipline. By holding brief meetings, emphasizing the company's relevant policies and requirements, employees are required to comply with the company's policies and the requirements of department leaders, conduct regular evaluations of employees, and actively implement relevant documents and regulations of the department.

Fourthly, we must focus on implementing training and improving employee skills. To better fulfill job responsibilities, employees are regularly and quantitatively trained in skills, safety, and other aspects, which are reflected in relevant training materials. To promote two-way communication between the enterprise and employees, and to enhance the centripetal force and cohesion of the enterprise.

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This event will focus on the following measures:

1. Work discipline: Implement company rules and management plans, ensure that every employee has a clear understanding, and effectively implement specific regulations;

2. Operation mechanism: Optimize the internal operation mechanism of the production department, vigorously carry out institutional construction, increase implementation and supervision efforts, strengthen internal management, and strive to implement activities in practice, playing a practical role;

3. Ideological awareness: Regularly hold themed meetings to promote the code of conduct for the production department, which includes "three musts, four hearts, six points, and eight virtues".

Three Musts: Command must be followed, action must be achieved, and battle must be won

Four hearts: being a person with heart, doing things with heart, managing with heart, and serving with heart

Six points: process system, work attitude, business ability, training quality, on-site details, emergency skills

Eight Good: Manage the team well, use equipment well, produce products well, organize the site well, ensure safety, keep accounts well, manage materials well, and implement inspections effectively

Through this lean production special activity, we aim to connect managers and employees hand in hand, and build Far Eastern Jinli into a modern enterprise with high quality and high standards.

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