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The closing ceremony of Yuanhang Jinli Safety Production Month was a complete success!




Closing Ceremony of Safety Production Month



Everyone talks about safety, everyone knows how to deal with emergencies

Smooth passage of life

June 2024 is the 23rd National Safety Production Month, with the theme of "Everyone talks about safety, everyone knows how to respond to emergencies - unblocking the passage of life.". In order to effectively carry out the "Safety Production Month" activity, deepen the implementation of various safety production measures throughout the year, and promote the sustained and stable development of enterprise safety production status, Jiangsu Yuanhang Genlead New Energy & Technology Co.,Ltd. focused on enhancing employee emergency awareness, improving employee safety quality, and curbing major safety accidents. Taking the "Safety Production Month" activity as an opportunity, through activities such as "activity promotion", "training and education", "emergency management", and "hidden danger investigation", various channels were carried out to promote safety knowledge, with significant results, making the Safety Production Month activity deeply rooted in people's hearts.

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In order to strengthen the awareness of safety production red line, popularize safety production knowledge and skills, and improve employee safety literacy, the Department of Safety and Environmental Protection held four safety knowledge competitions in June 2024. Through the form of knowledge competitions, employees were encouraged to actively learn, understand, and value safety, learn and master relevant safety knowledge that should be known, and improve their safety awareness and skills. During the competition, employees engaged in intellectual battles, responded calmly, and prioritized safety knowledge. The atmosphere of the on-site competition was tense and enthusiastic.

Various departments organized various trainings with the theme of 2024 Safety Production Month. All employees improved their safety awareness, knowledge, operational skills, and application level, greatly enhancing their sense of safety responsibility. This laid a solid foundation for the company's future safety production and promoted the stability and safety of the company's safety production.

   On June 25, 2024, the Ministry of Safety and Environmental Protection organized a fire fighting competition, promoting learning through competition and training through learning. At the event site, a labor skills competition was held in sequence, including a water hose bowling competition and a positive pressure air respirator wearing competition, to test the theoretical knowledge and practical operational ability of employees. After intense competition, the firefighting competition resulted in first, second, and third prizes, and outstanding individuals were commended and prizes and awards were distributed.

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The winning teams are: System Group PMC Quality Management Department

On July 2, 2024, Jiangsu Yuanhang Genlead New Energy & Technology Co.,Ltd.  organized the closing ceremony of Safety Production Month, summarizing and reviewing the 2024 Safety Production Month activities, and awarding outstanding teams and individuals in the 2024 Safety Production Month activities. Although the 2024 Safety Production Month activity has come to an end, it has left us with profound thoughts and inspirations. Let us join hands and work together to create a safe, stable, and harmonious production environment, and contribute our efforts to the prosperity and stability of society.

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