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2024 Riding the Wind and Sailing Through Waves



In order to accelerate and expand the external influence of the "Guodian Investment and integration system" in the New Year, strengthen exchanges with domestic and foreign countries, accelerate the construction of a sound "source, network, charge, storage and use" manufacturing system, and promote the relevant work of the State Power Investment Group (hereinafter referred to as "Guodian Investment") to help the "3060 double carbon target", on January 24, 2024, Guodian Investment and integration system - Ronghe leasing, Ronghe Yuan storage, Ronghe technology, Qiyuan core power and other companies held a strategic meeting in Jiangsu Yuanhang Jin Lithium New Energy Technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Yuanhang Jin Lithium").

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Jiangsu Yuanhang Jin Lithium New Energy Technology Co., LTD., is a joint investment by Ronghe Technology, Jingcheng New Energy Investment, Shenzhen Smart future, lithium battery material head enterprises, in response to the national "double carbon strategy" call, and to create a lithium battery manufacturing enterprise, but also the largest cell mono project in northern Jiangsu.

The company's research and development team consists of dozens of top experts in the industry, mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of lithium-ion batteries, with energy storage and power battery independent core technology and a number of innovative technology invention patents.

Yuanxiang Jinli adheres to the ultimate manufacturing concept of standardization, intelligence and modularization, and is committed to creating more cost-effective cell, module, pack and system integration and other multi-level products, providing customers with multi-dimensional selection and value-added services throughout the life cycle. The company relies on professional R & D team, strong financial strength and upstream and downstream industry chain resource advantages. We are committed to becoming the world's most competitive battery manufacturer in the field of energy storage and green electric transportation.


In 2024, integrate the situation of ecosphere research and evaluation, gather strength, consolidate measures, grasp the policy opportunity of "carbon peak in 2030 and carbon neutrality in 2060", and comprehensively promote the influence of the ecosphere in the field.

Yuanhang Jin Lithium as a rising star, firmly grasp the research and development and production, will create a multi-category, multi-specification, high-quality, cost-effective lithium battery products, for the rapid development of the new energy industry, the rapid coordination of ecosystem industry chain resources to add help.

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In the future, Yuanhang Jinli will always maintain its excellent development strength and continuous innovation of scientific and technological vitality, every battery is developed to create a low-carbon life, and every initial intention is striving to achieve a green future. Take the power of national policy, meet the needs of the world, with a total production capacity of 45GWh in 2027 as the goal, enabling green development, driving the wind, sailing!

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