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Deepening School Enterprise Cooperation: A delegation of teachers



    In order to further deepen the cooperation and exchange between colleges and enterprises and promote the deep integration of industry, University and research, recently, more than 20 graduate students and undergraduate students from Nanjing University of information engineering and Xi'an University of science and technology went to Yuanhang Jinli for summer internship.

    The students deeply felt the rapid development of the energy storage battery industry through the exhibition hall visit, energy storage technology understanding and workshop field experience, which further expanded their vision outside the school and played a positive role in guiding graduates to find their own career development orientation.

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The internship lasted for one day. In order to enable students to quickly understand the company's situation in one day, Yuanhang Jinli staff led students to visit the company's office environment and introduced the company's development history and corporate culture in detail. The bright and spacious space and the atmosphere of efficient work made students sigh at the modern management and humanistic care of the company.

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(team photo of office )

Afterwards, the teachers and students came to the exhibition hall for a visit. During the visit, the students interacted frequently with the commentators and actively asked questions in the face of knowledge they did not understand. In the exhibition hall, the students deeply felt the R & D strength of Yuanhang Jinli and the rapid development of the energy storage industry.

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In order to strictly comply with the "dust-free" Regulations of the workshop, the students wore uniform protective clothing and closely observed the battery production line under the leadership of Lu Lin, the manager of the R & D department. The workshop was equipped with complete facilities and the production process was reasonable and efficient. Manager Lu Lin explained in detail the technical innovation and quality control measures of each link of the production line.

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    During the learning process, they carefully observed the workers' operating skills and understood the importance of product quality control. At this time, the staff are not only guides, but also teachers. They carefully answer the students' questions and encourage them to pursue scientific and technological innovation. Such personal experience not only broadened the students' vision, but also stimulated their love and pursuit of energy storage industry.

    After the internship, relevant government staff and university teachers awarded Yuanhang Jinli the plaque of "Employment Practice Base" and "Social Practice Base for College Students" of Xi'an University of Science and Technology. General Manager Liu Haobo, Deputy General Manager Zhang Kangfeng and Human Resources Manager Tang Feng attended and unveiled the plaque.

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    This internship activity gives students who are about to enter the workplace a direct impression of the application of their professional knowledge in the actual scene, a new understanding of personal and industrial development, and also stimulates students' enthusiasm for learning, laying a good foundation for future career development planning.

    Yuanhang Jinli will also continue to explore and promote the establishment of new platforms, new fields and new ways for school enterprise cooperation, further strengthen school enterprise cooperation, and set a model in promoting scientific and technological innovation, employment, entrepreneurship and other aspects of college students.

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