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The National Power Investment Green Energy Transportation and Energy Storage Advanced Technology Industry Forum and the Ronghe Technology and Ronghe Leasing 2024 Partner Conference were grandly held



On March 21st, the State Grid Investment Corporation of China Green Energy Transportation and Energy Storage Advanced Technology Industry Forum and the Ronghe Technology and Ronghe Leasing 2024 Partner Conference were grandly held in Shanghai. Jiangsu Yuanhang Jinli, as a strategic partner, participated in this conference with the theme of "Science and Technology Integrating and Advancing Together". More than 600 guests from all over the country gathered at the conference to jointly explore new technologies and frontiers in the green power transportation and energy storage industry, and explore new models and directions for technological innovation and win-win cooperation.


Heavyweight experts attend the unveiling of the joint laboratory

Talking about cutting-edge technology and future trends together

At the beginning of the conference, Han Zhiwei, Chairman of State Power Investment Group Capital Holding Co., Ltd., and Li Li, Vice President of China Construction Bank Shanghai Branch, delivered speeches successively. Yao Min, General Manager of State Power Investment Group Capital Holding Co., Ltd., presided over the event.


At the meeting, the University of Science and Technology of China and Ronghe Technology officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement, and the unveiling ceremony of the "China University of Science and Technology Ronghe Technology Joint Laboratory" was held simultaneously. Both sides, with an open, cooperative, and innovative spirit, have built a high-level scientific research platform that closely integrates industry, academia, and research, jointly carrying out cutting-edge scientific and technological research, and promoting the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements.


△Joint Laboratory Signing Ceremony

Bao Xinhe, member of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress, academician of the CAS Member, president of the University of Science and Technology of China, Huang Zhen, member of the Standing Committee of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, vice chairman of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and academician of the CAE Member, Li Hexing, president of Shanghai Electric Power University, Zhou Yuanlong, vice mayor of Hechi City, Guangxi Province, and Guo Li, professor of Tianjin University, attended the conference and made keynote speeches focusing on energy industry, vehicle and ship power, integrated smart energy, energy and industry synergy, energy storage application and control, etc.


△Bao Xinhe academicians give keynote speeches


△Academician Huang Zhen gave a keynote speech


Cai Ning, General Manager of Ronghe Technology and Ronghe Leasing, gave a special report titled "Exploring the Road of Ronghe in the Green Energy Revolution", reviewing and summarizing the achievements of Ronghe in the past decade, and looking forward to the direction of struggle in the next decade. Cai Ning stated that there are numerous uncertainties in the future, but technological innovation is a definite trend. Ronghe will continue to innovate as always, work together with all partners, achieve mutual progress and contribute more green forces to achieve carbon neutrality goals.

Yuanhang Genlead is deeply aligned with Ronghe Technology in its development strategy. In the future, Yuanhang Jinli will adhere to the leadership of scientific and technological innovation, deepen independent research and innovation capabilities; Adhere to providing mature products and high-quality services throughout the entire lifecycle, and establish strong partnerships with customers; Deeply cultivate domestic and international market channels, and serve end customers with rich project delivery experience. Assist in the global transformation of green energy and welcome the era of affordable light storage.


△Cai Ning, General Manager of Ronghe Technology and Ronghe Leasing, gave a keynote speech

Wang Hui, Chairman of Wuxi Yingzhen Technology Co., Ltd., Jia Junguo, Deputy Director of the Energy Transport Special Committee of China Energy Research Association, Director of the Energy Storage Application Special Committee of the National Energy Internet Industry and Technology Innovation Alliance, Du Xiaotian, Chairman of the Energy Storage Leader Alliance, Liu Guohua, Senior Expert of the Smart Grid of Northwest Electric Power Design Institute, Liu Xubao, Deputy General Manager of Qiyuan Core Power, and Xia Yu, Deputy General Manager of Ronghe Energy Storage, respectively shared topics on spot power trading, green power transport development, energy transportation integration, future trends of the energy storage industry, which won warm applause and high praise from the guests at the meeting.


A plaque awarding ceremony was also held at the conference to commend the strategic partners of Qiyuan Power and Ronghe Yuanchu for the year 2023.


The rhythm returns to the spring light, and everything begins to renew

In this era full of challenges and opportunities

We stand at a brand new starting point

Firmly adhering to the belief of innovation, integration, and win-win

Continuously deepen the cultivation of green power transportation and smart energy storage industries

Jointly promote the high-quality development of the new energy industry

To build a green, low-carbon, and sustainable future

A brand new force of contribution and integration

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